Their official species name, however, is "Cartoonus Characterus." This information had actually always been a part of the show's production bible, with the obviously fake Latin word essentially being a "non-answer" to the characters' origins. Ruegger eventually admitted that their colloquial species name was "toons," or cartoon characters.

Ironically, they were originally going to be ducks, but it was decided by series creator Tom Ruegger that there were already too many cartoon ducks. Nothing else about their anatomy is particularly canine or feline, however. Instead of the cotton ball tails of bunnies, they have long, furry tails like a cat or a dog. This idea is muddled, however, with their tails. They also have large feet like a rabbit's, which would seemingly close the book on what type of animals they are. They have tall, playful ears that stand up like a rabbit's, which is an image accentuated by their pointed buck teeth. The trio's rather questionable genetic ancestry stems from their designs.