Sure, the AI’s dumber than a rock, and it’s annoying when you’re trying to fight a Harpy and you’re just standing there slashing at air, but it’s more fun than you’re likely to have from doing something else. A is to attack, B is to use a special technique, Y is to change your targeting, and X brings up the menu. This will be a Grass Block in release versions, and a Dirt Block in snapshot versions. The games application icon has been updated. Save02: Time: 13:10 - Midgard - Before the War. The main menu background is now a Trails & Tales panorama. Save01: Time: 10:15 - Moria Gallery - Before the battle against Maxwell. Narikiri Dungeon X (both it and Phantasia X) are also being translated by Absolute Zero. Memory card and save state file from my playthrough with Wiisxr v.2.3 for the Nintendo Wii. It allows for a lot more strategy and movement than most games, but you really have to see it for yourself. Download Name: Tales of Phantasia PSX english patch v.1.0 - save file. I’ve frequently heard it referred to as sort of a fighting game, but that’s completely wrong. Describing the battle system is difficult. If you can’t tell, I like this game a lot. They’re the same folks who made Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile, and the same things that made those games badass are at work in this one: awesome graphics, and a kickass game to back it up, with a different and innovative combat system. This is one of the games developed by the god-company tri-Ace, back when they still worked for Namco and stuff. If you’re everybody else, and you know that gameplay is also important to a good RPG, well you’re going to like Tales of Phantasia. Example- Romanized: Majinken, Translated: Demonic Blade.If you’re one of those lame kiddies who think that graphics make a good RPG, well you’re going to like Tales of Phantasia. The hack also has an option to choose the naming of the abilities, between translated or romanized. The translation features DTE, variable dictionary, a two splash screen intro (project logo+anti-ebay/emule piracy), and a nomenclature selector for ability names (romanized vs translated). Once it's done, you now have an fully English copy of Tales of Phantasia and can either use an emulator, or burn the disk to a blank CD and play it on a real PS1! Translation Description: Translation and hacking are 100 done, and the game runs fine on real hardware and emulators.

The process can potentially take 5 minutes or more so be patient. Just open the patcher and select the image file and the patch file and press patch. You just need to have a copy of the Japanese PS1 Tales of Phantasia backed up via CD image format (supported images seem to be bin or img). Inside this archive are all the necessary patch files. The PS1 version is considered by many to be the definitive version (besides the PSP version). The game itself is a heavily enhanced remake of the original SNES game with all new graphics, battle system, scenes, etc. Only the full voice work remains in Japanese (of which English subtitles were implemented, thanks to the hack programmers).

With the 1.0 release, all text in the game should be completely translated. This is a 100% English patch for the Japanese-only Tales of Phantasia.